Wednesday, November 30, 2011

psa drug abuse

Everyday teens and adults use drugs. Several thousand teens have been using marijuana. Some people say that marijuana is the gate way drug to more hardcore drugs, like cocaine, meth, or heroine. A lot of teens start off doing marijuana from pure pressure, or they think its “cool”.  A few nicknames for marijuana is “weed, pot, grass, mary jane , ganja, or hash. Drugs can affect your whole life, and your families. If you were a everyday drug user you could face weight loss, and it could also come an obsession. You could red watery eyes, running nose, and nausea. In the USA, the root cause for 25% of the total deaths can be attributed to drug abuse. Drugs can make you look lot older than you really are, it turns you into a ugly person. Using drugs can get you in trouble with a law for a long time.

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